středa 19. července 2023

Flutter is not building application

I migrated my flutter project to a new computer and after a while I realized that it is not building because of a strange CMake error.

How I fixed it?

flutter clean

then I deleted windows directory under my project

flutter create .

flutter run

And that is all!

pondělí 17. července 2023

Docker - "unable to allocate file descriptor table - out of memory"

I've tried to run some docker images from vulnhub - they have images with known CVEs like log4j etc.

It is easy, just run docker-compose up and you have it. Unfortunately I recieved a lot of errors and the reason was: "unable to allocate file descriptor table - out of memory". It is caused by changed ulimits in system.conf.

How to fix it?

You have to limit docker and it is necessary just to add following lines to docker compose file:

  nproc: 65535
    soft: 26677
    hard: 46677

Then everything will work again.
And if you'd like to run it directly from the commandline just run:

docker run --ulimit nproc=65535 --ulimit nofile=26677:46677 -d <your_image>

pátek 28. dubna 2023

Hell with Dell U2422HE

I love this LCD. It is large enough and I can connect my computer via USB-C. Everything is connected to the monitor so my desk is relatively clean of cables. But then one day I updated the firmware and installed Dell Monitor Manager.

After a while, I realized that if the monitor goes to sleep mode, I can no longer connect it to it. The only way was to physically remove the electricity cable and start LCD again. 

One month later I decided to contact support. The next day I had a call and we talked about the options. I updated the firmware and updated the drivers. It did not help. 

In the end, I removed Dell Monitor Manager and realized that it was caused by it! Now my monitor is great again and I don't have to restart it again and again.

Lessons learned: If something is working, don't touch it!

středa 29. března 2023

Odinstalace FortiNet klienta 6.x

 Kdo to zkoušel, ten ví, že to je noční můra. V P5idat nebo ubrat programy je volba zašedlá a z klienta samotného také nic neuděláte. Jak na to?

Otevřete si klienta a odemkněte vlevo dole nastavení.

Následně si vpravo nahoře klikněte na další zámek a nastavte si heslo. Po tomto kroku Klienta ukončete.

Po znovuspuštění běžte do konfigurace, zadejte heslo a následně otevřete Přidat nebo ubrat programy. 

Hurá, volba je již klikatelná.

Důvod? FortiNet klient čeká, než bude nastavení odemčeno pomocí hesla. Když tam žádné heslo zadané nemáte, odinstalovat ho nemůžete...

pondělí 13. března 2023

OpenVAS / GVM trouble with initial scan

 I installed GVM to Kali and tried to create a new config. I failed with strange error that config is not found.

After some investigation I've realized that I have to run gvm-feed-update and check if it succeeded.

Then go to and check the status. When everything is ready you can start using GVM.

úterý 17. ledna 2023

Docker to podman - trouble with container names

As you know, in Rocky linux there is no docker, but aliased podman. This brings some complications and I'd like to describe here one that was very painful.
Firs of all - there is no docker compose up alias, you have to install podman-componse.
How to do it?

    pip3 install podman-compose

Then podman-compose ( ) will be located in /usr/local/bin/ directory.
The next step is to run it, but it was not able to communicate to each other. Why?
You have to install podman-plugins.

    sudo dnf install podman-plugins

Then you are almost there, but it is necessary to remove the network and let it create again.